If you want to find a job in Germany, it is necessary to be in Germany (for most of the jobs). For that purpose “job seeker visa” helps you. Job search visa is only for 6 months, which is not really enough time to start from the strach when you are in Germany. Those 6 months are not trail and error period for you. So it is to prepare yourself before coming to Germany.

1. Learn German language

Although there are few companies which requires English speaking candidates, it is necessary to learn atleast basic German. If possible learn till B1 level to get a job easily.

It is not really necessary to speak technical terms in German. You can learn that in the company. If you can do the basic conversations in German, it will be a great advantage for you.

2. Prepare resume or CV

The CV format in India and Germany are totally different. So kindly follow the european CV format. You can create a sample CV in Europass website. But do not use this for applying a job. You can also find the sample resume in this website.

3. Prepare cover letter

It is very important to preapre an impressive cover letter to get a job easily. You can get the basic information, structure and sample cover letter in this link.

Problem with the experienced candidate

Most of them are not getting job easily because of their CV or resume and cover letter. Problem with experienced candidates is that they want to add all their works in very detail. Do not mention everything. Mention only your important main tasks. I would prefer to prepare a CV of maximum 2 pages.

4. Choose the correct city to stay

Most of the companies invites a candiate for an interview who can travel to attend the interview and back to home on the same day.

Most of the companies prefers to invite a candidate for an interview who is living app. 250 km surroundings. For that reason it is necessary to choose the city to stay based on your skills and the job opportunities in that particular area.

Best place to stay

For example, if you have many job opportunities in Munich, it is better to stay in munich or in Stuttgart. Munich and Frankfurt is not far from Stuttgart, so Stuttgart will be a better option to stay who has many opportunies in both of the places.

On the other hand, if a candidate is in Hamburg and searching a job in Munich will not work in most of the cases.

There will be also exceptions but the possibilities are very less.

5. Resume photos and dresses

Eventhough it is not mandatory to attach the photo in resume in Germany, it is really necessary to have a highly professional photo for the resume. I would always suggest to take a photo with blazer and the suitable dress colour. Do not save money in this and suffer later when you didn’t get a job.

There are some candiate who got a job without proper photos, but those could be because of the demand in their domain or also because of references. Do not loose even a single chance which are related to job while you are in a job search visa.