People who want to have a clean house may know how difficult it is to maintain it. Especially, when it comes to the lime deposit in the bathroom, washbasins, toilets, etc. It’s not so easy to avoid due to the hard water but there are some solutions. I have shared my experience which could also help you to save money.

What is a limescale deposit?

A limescale deposit is a chalky deposit due to the calcium carbonate in water. You can see this deposit mostly in the white color over the bathroom, washbasins, vessels, etc.

Limescale deposit in house

Limescale deposit issue is unavoidable in our daily life. You can find limescale deposits in the following items or places.

  • Kitchen cooking vessels like pan
  • Kitchen dishes
  • Water kettle
  • Kitchen sink
  • Bathtub
  • Bathroom cabin or glass
  • Bathroom tiles
  • Bathroom sink
  • Toilet bowl
  • Toilet sink, etc


There are several issues due to this. Based on the difficulties to clean, I have classified the limescale deposit into two categories.

  • Limescale dirt
  • Limescale deposit

Limescale dirt

Limescale dirt is a deposit that you can clean easily by yourself using the different cleaning liquids which are available at the market.

Limescale deposit

A limescale deposit is a kind of deposit that you cannot easily clean with liquids. You need some special equipment for that or you need a professional service to clean it.

Cleaning materials

Even though it’s not easy to avoid limescale deposits, there are also several possibilities to clean the limescale specks of dirt easily.

  • Limescale cleaner (Kalkreiniger or badreiniger in German)
  • Baking soda with vinegar
  • Baking powder with vinegar
  • Scraper
  • Table knife

The first 3 options can be used for the limescale dirt and the last two options can be used only for the limescale deposit.

Limescale cleaner (Kalkreiniger or badreiniger)

To lead a healthy life, it’s also important to clean the vessels, the kettle often. Especially when there are limescale deposits, it’s very important to clean them before use. There are different types of limescale cleaner (kalkreinger) available in the market. You can buy this based on your usage.

  • Powder
  • Cubes
  • Liquid

Limescale cleaning powder, cubes

Limescale cleaning powder, cubes are suitable for cleaning the Limescale deposit on the vessels. For example, you can use the Limescale cleaner in the form of powder, cubes, or liquid to clean the kettle. But you cannot use the cubes to clean the bathroom tiles, you need liquid for that purpose. You can use limescale cleaning for cleaning the washing machine too. There are separate cleaners available in the market.

If the vessel or kettle has too many Limescale deposits and if it’s not possible to clean, it’s better to trash it and buy new.

Limescale cleaning liquid

This is one of the common cleaning liquids that you can use to clean limescale in the house. It will be in a plastic bottle like a spray. You can buy it in all the supermarkets. There are even cleaning liquids that are available for less than one euro.

It is always better to use goggles (protective glass), wear a mask, gloves while using the cleaning spray or liquids. You can buy it separately.

If you have a very sensitive nose or any allergy to smells, then it better to use a mask like below. It protects very well. It is a single-time investment and you can use it for a long time.

Read the below posts which help to filter the drinking water and bathroom water which can solve some problems related to the limescale deposit and hard water in Germany.

Baking soda with vinegar

The mixing of the baking soda with vinegar is a very good combination to clean the limescale deposits.

How to prepare?

  • You can mix it as a paste and apply it on the surface for cleaning.
  • If it is on the flat floor, then you can pour vinegar and then spread the baking soda over that. You can also spread the baking powder uniformly and pour more vinegar if necessary.

You can hear the reaction sound. It is ready to clean once the sound stops. If you have too many limescale deposits, you can leave them overnight and clean them the next day.

Baking powder with vinegar

The mixing of the baking powder with vinegar is a very good combination to clean the limescale deposits.

How to prepare?

  • You can mix it as a paste and apply it on the surface for cleaning.
  • If it is on the flat floor, then you can pour vinegar and then spread the baking soda over that. You can also spread the baking powder uniformly and pour more vinegar if necessary.

You can hear the reaction sound. It is ready to clean once the sound stops. If you have too many limescale deposits, you can leave them overnight and clean them the next day.


Scraper can be used to remove the limescale deposits which cannot be cleaned using the above 3 methods. You should be really very careful while using it because it can damage the surface with scratches and cuts which are not repairable. Use it only on the flat surface with high risk.

The process of cleaning is very simple. You have to just flatly scratch the surface to remove the deposit which are at the top. Once the top layer deposit is removed, you can use one of the first three methods the clean the surface.

Table knife

The best alternative for the scraper is the knife which we use to cut with the fork. Use a knife that does not have a sharp edge. It will not make any damages to the surface if you use it correctly. But there is always a risk of using it.


The above two methods can be used only on the tiles. Do not use it on the wooden surface or the glass surface without proper knowledge. If you would like to try any of the above two methods, it is better to make a sample and proceed further. You need really more patience at the starting till you get the confidence.

My experience

Limescale remover liquid

I have tried different liquids which are available in the supermarket. We will usually inhale oxygen while using the cleaning liquid. The cheapest cleaning liquid odor is very strong and the smell mixes with the oxygen. The experience will not be pleasant and even you get an odd taste in your mouth.

I have also tried other liquids which cost app. two euros and those were better in terms of smell. Currently, I’m using a cleaning product from Viss and it is quite comfortable. The liquid from the biff is also good. Sometimes worth paying more money for the items which we can use for a long time.

Vinegar with baking soda

I have used the vinegar with the baking powder and it is also good for cleaning. It smells different and sometimes the smells last for few days on the surface on which we use. So it is important to clean the surface several times with water to reduce the smell.


It is not too good to use the same cleaning materials for all the purposes and on all the materials. So, it is necessary to read the instructions of the cleaning materials carefully and also the material in which you are using. This avoids any damages to the surface.

Table knife

I have used the table knife which we use with a fork. I have placed the knife in a way that the flat surface touches the floor. I have cleaned it gently and the limescale deposit was cleaned perfectly without any damage to the surface of the floor.

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