It is very common in India that we drink fresh milk. We might have drunken the fresh milk which was delivered every day or sometimes in the packet. We may miss that in Germany because it is different here. I have explored some options here in Germany and I would like to share my experience regarding the fresh milk from farmers.

Milk in the supermarket

We can see different kinds of milk in the supermarket. Here are some of the milk varieties.

  • Rohmilch
  • Frischmilch
  • Vollmilch
  • Fettarme Milch
  • H-Milch, etc

We can find fresh milk in the supermarket, but most of us don’t know where it comes from and how many days old it is. However, it is also possible to find the details on the package.

There is also milk which can be stored even for several months. Some people like that and many don’t like that. There will be also many questions for us like “which milk type is good?”, “what are the differences between all those milk types?”, etc. I had also the same question and explored and tasted different kinds of milk. At last, my wife found a good solution for my search. Yes, she found a fresh milk vending machine near to our home.

In my opinion, we will be happy if we get the fresh milk from the farmer as like in India. That is the same thing which has happened to us.

Milk from the farmers

There are possibilities to get milk directly from the farmers.

in our case, we had 2 options. That means there was 2 vending machine at the different places which are near to our home. At first, we have tried with a milk vending machine but the taste was not suitable for us. Then we have tried the second milk vending machine and it was very suitable for us.

It’s also available in big cities, you can find it. I have also mentioned those details in this post.

Our experience

There will be a milk vending machine, where we have to put the money. We can fill the milk in a bottle. The milk costs 1 euro per litre. The milk which we take is not boiled milk. But there are also already or processed boiled milk.

You can also watch our video related to this milk vending machine in our YouTube channel. This video is also with English subtitles for a better understanding.

Milk bottle

In most of the cases, you can buy the milk bottle directly where there is a milk vending machine. Apart from that, you can also but milk bottle from many shops like Tedi, Woolworth and many other supermarkets.

If you prefer to buy in a big can (like 5-litre can), it is also possible.

Payment method

It is possible to use the below mentioned payment methods in the milk vending machine where we take milk,

  • Coins
    10 cents
    20 cents
    50 cents
    1 Euro
    2 Euro
  • Banknotes
    5 euros
    10 euros

If you prefer to use some vending machine, try to find the payment method or have coins and banknotes with you.

Other products

Apart from the milk, we also get a few other products from the place which is near to my home.

  • Fresh icecrean (in summer)
  • Egg
  • Potato
  • Apple juice
  • Seasional vegetables like pumpkin, etc

Find fresh milk near your place

You can search for the fresh milk near to ýou using the below link. Just type “Milch” or “Milchtankstelle” on the Produkt or Hofname search box and mention your place or postal code on the search box. It helps to locate the fresh milk centre near your place.

Unfortunately above-mentioned websites don’t show all the milk vending machine. If you don’t find near to your place, ask your colleagues or someone near to your home about this. They could help you.

Other products near your place

It is also possible to buy other products as mentioned below directly from the farmers.


  • Meat
  • Egg
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits



If you prefer to take the milk from the farmer, make sure that you read the information provided there and if you do not understand kindly clarify your doubts before consuming. For example, if you consume milk without boiling, it could lead to some issues.

I hope that this information will be interesting for you. If you find this as interesting, feel free to share with your friends, colleagues, etc so that they can also get benefits.

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